Wednesday, November 05, 2008


So it's National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). This year I have no real job, so I'm going to take a stab at writing an entire novel in a month. I can't guarantee I'm going to succeed, but I'll give it a good solid go.

Now if only there weren't so many millions of ways to procrastinate during the day...

Okay, I'm off to write. Really. Seriously. I am.

Oh, did I just hear the dryer buzz?


Forsythia said...

Will there be a pitbull among the cast of characters? BTW, how did "Dozer" get his name? As in "pit bulldozer"? (We're always playing with words---barbecue pitbull, orchestra pitbull. You get the idea.)

The Oceanside Animals said...

I think I see Dozer making pathetik face -- maybe you should go play with him for a while! ;-)

Anonymous said...

A novel? Wow! Well whats it about?

happypitbull said...

I've decided to work on what I call my "dog novel." It's about a pit bull's life. I've had the basic plot for about five years now, and this is the kick in the rear I need to get it going, I think. My other novels are going somewhere... slowly... so slowly... but the fact is that I've started them, whereas NaNoWriMo rules require you to start a whole new piece of writing. NaNoWriMo is about quantity, not quality, so don't expect to see this "novel" at the bookstore any time soon. :) I just enjoy writing, and this seems like a good excuse to do a lot of it and challenge myself at the same time.

Dozer got his name because when we got him, his name was Butch, which we both agreed was terrible. And we found that our puppy had two modes: either he was a lumbering, playful, destructive monster, or he was dead asleep. A bulldozer or just a dozer. So the name stuck. (And we also liked that it works with "pit bull-->bull dozer" too.)

sp said...

dude, dozer's been outing you on his blog, something about an ex-box.

i myself am a failed nanowrimo participant of 2004, so i'm not one to talk....

happypitbull said...

Shirley: ROFL is all I can say. Dozer doesn't know how to shut up, does he? Bad dog! No!

Sure wish I could count his words toward my 50K total...